A gloomy day on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world: Pink Sands Beach, Harbour Island, Bahamas

Sometimes life is just not pink; it pinches and bites here and there; it gives you goosebumps and it makes you uneasy. There are days when you have to focus on the horizon, on the movements of the waves, and maintain stability within yourself. „You have to take what you get!“This is not just an old-fashioned Swabian phrase, but also a way to view things while traveling. We are here now – we have to fight against the drop in temperature and against colds and chills. We clench our fists and pull ourselves together. We throw annoyed glances at each other as well as the occasional grin, which reinvigorates our motivation. We will arrive soon. When we will arrive – we don’t care – it’s just important that we arrive soon. We have sand on our minds because of this infamously famous beach – yes, I’m sure it will be worth it.

Eventually, after 3 hours on the „Wave Rider“ we enter „Harbour Island.“ We get off the ferry and breathe in, which is not difficult even as the winds on the island tossed the hair into our pale faces. We summon our last bit of will power and get into the golf caddies and are chauffeured across the small island.

Then when you need it the most: Stranded at a Bahamian church service

The greatest things happen when you least expect them and fate lays them in your path when you need them the most. 15 minutes ago, I thought to myself „I am a mountain, I am a tall tree. Oh, I am a swift wind sweepin‘ the country“ while we were cruising towards the island with only an ounce of strength left in us. Now we are seated shoulder to shoulder in a small church on Harbour Island. Our inquisitive and simultaneously exhausted eyes must have been the reason that the friendly lady invited us into the „house of God.“ Everyone is welcome here and this euphoric atmosphere was exactly the right thing in that moment.

And there they were again, the goosebumps. But, this time the goosebumps weren’t because of nausea and chills, they were because a small and shy little boy stepped to the front and sang R. Kelly’s „The World’s Greatest“ in a tender little voice. I am transported back to 12 years ago when we sang this same song at my confirmation in the place of my birth during worship. I feel like that day was the last time that I participated in a church service and I felt good doing so. Why? This became clear to me in the Bahamas, of all places. The atmosphere, the sparkle in the eyes, the kids running around, the door that opens and closes at five-minute intervals, is just completely different. Warm, colorful, positive and genuine.

We rub our eyes, clap our hands, tell the community where we come from, say „Hallelujah!“ a few times and then speed off again to our final destination:

Pink Sands Beach

Pink Sands Beach on Harbour Island

I rub my eyes. Again. Is something wrong with my eyesight?
You could say that I have some experience with pink marvels of nature since my trip to Curacao, but here I stand, and again, I am speechless. Dark gray clouds gather in front of us and underneath our feet is powdered-sugar white sand. And when the sun peeks through the dark clouds, we see a pink beach in front of us. Regardless of the weather, I let out a small shriek of joy and even though the spectacle of color isn’t in its full pink glory on this day, to see one of the most beautiful beaches in the world does us good!

The reason for this spectacle of color is a small single-celled organism called foraminifera, whose shape is most comparable to that of a strawberry. The Pink Sands Beach on Harbour Island is definitely one of the great natural highlights of a Bahamas vacation. Apart form its slightly shimmering tint, this beach is a must-splash for all. The colors of the water and the pleasant emptiness of the entire stretch of beach really make Pink Sands Beach an uber-Place for me!


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Mia Bühler ist ein echter Workaholic, könnte sie es sich aussuchen, träfe man die Stuttgarterin aber mit den Füßen im Sand, dem Rücken an einer Palme und mit den Augen auf den Weiten des Ozeans – das iPad in Reichweite. Als Social Media Beraterin mit ihrer Agentur "creading" und Bloggerin in diversen Bereichen, ist die junge Mama immerzu unterwegs – kulinarisch bleibt sie sich gern auch mal treu und liebt handgeschabte Spätzle mit Soß"™ aus Papas Küche.